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Bed Sores

There is Absolutely No Excuse for Bed Sores

If you are concerned about a loved one in a nursing home and suspect possible neglect, there may be no better indicator than the presence of bed sores. They are entirely preventable there is absolutely no excuse for them. If your loved one has bed sores, the nursing home needs to be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

At Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C., we have established a reputation for achieving successful results for the victims of nursing home negligence in St. Louis, throughout Missouri and southern Illinois. To discuss your potential nursing home negligence claim with a lawyer, please call 314-226-1426 or toll free 866-770-8691 today.

What Causes Bed Sores?

Bed sores, also known as pressure sores, pressure ulcers or decubitus ulcers, are caused by constant pressure on the skin. When left untreated, they can become infected, leading to severe tissue damage to bone and muscles. In extreme cases of infection, death may occur.

The greatest tragedy about bed sores is how easily preventable they are. By providing good nutrition to patients and taking the time to reposition them, they can be entirely avoided. When patients are properly cared for, as you expected them to be when you entrusted the nursing home with their care, bed sores are nonexistent.

Contact an Attorney Today

If your loved one has bed sores or other signs of neglect, please contact us today for a free initial consultation with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney.

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