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St. Louis Dog Bites Attorneys

Serious Injuries or Disfigurement From Animal Attacks

Dog owners are accountable for injuries inflicted by their pets. This is true even if the dog has never bitten or chased anyone in the past.

At the law firm of Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C., we know that dog bites can result in severe injuries, especially to young children. Contact our St. Louis personal injury lawyers to explore your claims in a free consultation.

Maximum Compensation for Dog Bite Injuries

Our knowledgeable attorneys pursue all elements of damages for what you or your child has suffered:

  • Medical treatment of bite and claw wounds
  • Nerve damage or infection
  • Reconstructive surgery
  • Scarring or disfigurement
  • Non-bite injuries such as being knocked down by a big dog
  • Emotional trauma (nightmares, fear of dogs, etc.)

Strict Liability for Dog Bites in Missouri

Under Missouri law, there is no such thing as "one free bite." The dog's owner is strictly liable for injuries or property damage. This means that you do not have to prove negligence or knowledge of a vicious propensity. Victims are entitled to compensation even if the attack occurred on the owner's property, if the victim had a right to be there and did not provoke the dog.

Despite this favorable legal standard, you should consult a lawyer to seek damages for dog bite or attack. The experienced lawyers of Kolker & Germeroth can counter any legal defenses raised by the animal's owner, and we know how to recover full value for your injuries and losses. This is especially important if you suffered permanent injury when a dog bit you.

Talk to a St. Louis Dog Bites Lawyer Today

We serve clients in St. Louis County, St. Charles County, Jefferson County and beyond. Call our Clayton, Missouri, office at 314-226-1426 or 866-770-8691 or contact us online to schedule a free initial consultation.

Get Answers | If you’ve suffered a personal injury, call (866) 770-8691 or Email Us.

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