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Third-Party Workplace Accident Liability

Do You Have Additional Claims Beyond Workers' Compensation?

Although you are covered by your employer for work-related injuries, the benefits of workers' compensation may not fully cover your losses and future needs. However, you may have grounds to sue third parties whose negligence or intentional acts caused your workplace accident.

The personal injury lawyers of Kolker & Germeroth, L.L.C., handle both workers' compensation claims and actions against third parties other than your employer. We aggressively pursue any additional claims to maximize your financial recovery for a serious work-related accident.

Our Clayton, Missouri, firm handles work injury cases in the St. Louis area, throughout Missouri and eastern Illinois. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

Third-Party Liability Attorneys for Workplace Accidents

You generally cannot sue your employer, supervisor or co-worker if you are injured through their negligence — that is one of the trade-offs of "no-fault" workers' compensation system. However, you may be able to bring a personal injury lawsuit against third parties outside of your chain of employment:

  • A property owner who created a safety hazard at a work site
  • A subcontractor whose negligence caused an accident
  • A motorist who caused your on-duty car accident
  • The manufacturer of defective machinery or equipment
  • A co-worker whose actions constitute gross negligence or intentional acts

We have handled traumatic work injuries, including brain injury, spinal cord injury, amputations, burns and explosions, eye injuries, broken bones, and serious back and neck injuries. Our experienced trial lawyers pursue maximum compensation under the law for past and future medical care, lost earning capacity, permanent impairment or disfigurement, pain and suffering, and lost enjoyment of life. Many of these damages are not available under workers' compensation.

St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyers for Work Injury Cases

We offer free initial consultations to all potential clients, and we handle personal injury claims on a contingency fee — no attorney's fees unless we recover compensation through settlement or verdict.

Call our Clayton, Missouri, law office at 314-226-1426 or 866-770-8691, or contact us online. Evening and weekend appointments are available.

Get Answers | If you’ve suffered a personal injury, call (866) 770-8691 or Email Us.

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